Since the economy, housing market and job market fell apart in 2008 numerous people across our country have watched their credit scores plummet and bills pile up as their pay checks were cut or their jobs were lost. In the past, and even now, many people thought it embarrassing, or even bad, if someone did not have a perfect credit score, or good credit. I don't believe this to be true...
Your credit score should not define you as a person and it should not allow others to define you. Your credit score has nothing to do with the type of person you are. It does not define your character, your loyalty to family and friends, or your ethics; personally or in business. An imperfect credit score does not mean your a bad person. It only means that at some point you fell on hard times, in this ever changing horrible economy, and once you fall into that financial pit of quick sand, it can take forever to climb out of it.
These days, even company's are running credit reports on prospective employees. This should not be allowed. I understand an employer running a background check to see if you have a felony on your record or if you are some fugitive running from the law, however; your credit score has nothing to do with the work you perform for an employer. Not to mention, if employers will not hire someone with bad credit, how do they expect you to work and make money to pay off that debt you have, in order to pull your credit score back up? Seems like a catch 22 to me....
If someone has imperfect credit, it does not mean they can't do their job effectively, honestly or just as well as any other applicant who may have a better credit score. If a perspective employee has experience, impeccable references (both personal & business) and nothing negative about them in their business experience, then they deserve the same chance as other perspective employees who may happen to have better credit scores. If company's continue to practice the non-hiring of people with imperfect credit, than not only are they adding to the economic troubles in this country, but they also need to know that if they end up hiring someone with perfect credit, who ends up messing up on the job, then that employer deserves it.
I have known plenty of people with both perfect and imperfect credit and believe me, their credit scores do not define them. Some of the people with imperfect or bad credit are better people than some of those with perfect credit. I would have to say that some of the ones with bad credit are more loyal, trust-worthy and are better people all around, then some of those with good credit.
When you stop and think about it, most of the politicians and white collar business people that have been put in prison, or are so crooked, had good or perfect credit, too...right? Or, when you see one of these politicians, white collar business people or even famous people on the news for something you believe is so wrong...cheating on their wives, doing drugs...knowing they have better credit than most, would you still consider them as having better character, or being better people, than those with imperfect credit?
Bottom line.....before you choose to judge someone based on their credit score, imperfect credit, or even past due bills they may have.....go take a good, long look in the mirror...who are you to judge?
Peace, Love...and lot's of Coffee...
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