Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time For Something New

I have decided to start a blog, for the main reason of having a place to "vent" my feelings and opinions.... My reasons, though they may seem futile to some, are important to me. 

Ask yourself, how many times do we go through our busy lives, and when we see something we have an opinion on, or we feel like speaking up, we don't do it? We think to ourselves "It won't matter what I say", or "I'm too busy to bother with this" . We are all guilty of this at some point. However; I believe it's time for that to change. I believe it's time for everyday people to start speaking up, having their opinions known and not be afraid of sharing their matter how politically uncorrect others may think they may be. There is no such thing as a stupid opinion, or a stupid question. You have every right to voice your opinions in this country...or have they taken that right away, as well? It's so hard to keep track of lately....LOL...

For example..have you watched the "Reality" tv shows lately? As funny as it can be to watch shows like "The Real Housewives of... whatever damn town the rich people live in" it really depicting the real world these days? Um....not the last time I checked it doesn't. In the real have men and women struggling to make ends meet...families with children losing their homes, families with no food on the table and trying to pay the bills. In the real world, men and women are living paycheck to paycheck, having to cut expenses and trying to find jobs. THIS is the real world. Not the rich, spoiled snobs you see on the "Real Housewives" shows, where they act like spoiled little brats and think their shit don't stink. 

When these people on these shows are spending $60,000 on a childs birthday party, the rest of the parents in this country are trying to figure out how they are going to pay for school clothes, and you have families who can't even afford a birthday cake for their children. When these people on the shows are out throwing lavish dinner parties and and flying around the country, the rest of the people in this country are trying to figure out how to put dinner on the table for their families and how their going to pay for the gas to get to work.   

Why don't they do a reality series about real families and real people? Are they too embarrassed to show what families are really going through in this country? 

Well, this is only the start of my blog, so I will leave you all with this to ponder for the evening. There will be more to come, though. I will try to blog every evening and if not, then several times a week. I plan on having a variety of different blogs on here, too. Not just venting about things such as I did this evening, but about life in enjoy! 

Feel free to leave your thoughts, opinions and comments. Remember, everyone's opinions count....don't be shy.

By the way...I'm just getting started.....

Have a great night!

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